Film screening and discussion. Guests: Markus Gabriel, Shimon Dotan and Netaya Anbar (producers of CYBER EVERYTHING), moderated by Gert Scobel
This winter semester, the Mercator Lecture for AI in the Human Context is taking on a new form. Filmmakers Shimon Dotan and Netaya Anbar will present their new documentary CYBER EVERYTHING (US 2023, ARTE F). As part of the Desirable AI project, the two have been guests at the Center for Science and Thought in Bonn for three months.
In cooperation with the long-standing film series Kinosophie (organization: Leonie Kornel, Team N), the film will be screened publicily in the original English version on 15 December 2023 at 7pm at the Bonner Kinemathek(in Brotfabrik, Kreuzstraße 16, Bonn-Beuel). After the screening, we cordially invite you to a joint discussion with philosopher Markus Gabriel and the two filmmakers Shimon Dotan and Netaya Anbar, moderated by journalist and philosopher Gert Scobel.
The documentary CYBER EVERYTHING sheds light on the various facets of our world in the age of technology and the digital. Without taking a clearly dystopian or utopian tone, the film presents corresponding historical developments, cultural differences and diverse contemporary assessments of the current situation, including voices from the fields of science, economics, politics, art and activism. Despite the high complexity of the subject matter, the film develops along a clear thread: The fragile position of the human being between control and loss of control.
Date: 12/15/2023 – 19:00
Bonner Kinemathek – Kino in der Brotfabrik. Kreuzstraße 16, 53225 Bonn-Beuel
Admission is free, but limited; tickets are available at the box office