Miyuki Ono: Intersubjectivity and the Positioning of a Contradiction

In the course of the “InterChair Colloquium”, Miyuki Ono will give a talk entitled “Intersubjectivity and the Positioning of a Contradiction”.

The “InterChair Colloquium” is an open forum for philosophy. It seeks to cross the boundaries of chairs and seminars at the Institute for Philosophy. Every week speakers – students, MA and Ph.D. graduate students or faculty members – make presentations on topics related to their current research.

The event begins at 6.15 p.m.

For questions please contact interchair@uni-bonn.de.

Date: 11/14/2018


Conference Room of the International Center for Philosophy NRW (IZPH)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 28
53115 Bonn
3rd floor (elevator available)
Entrance area not barrier-free