Kolloquium zur französischen Philosophie: Transzendentales Denken VII
For the third time now, the colloquium on French Philosophy will take place this semester. The topic will be “Transzendentales Denken”.
Today: Gemeinsame Lektüre: Foucault.
The colloquium begins at 4:15 p.m.
For questions please contact Alexander Schubert (a. schubert@uni-bonn.de), Christos Kalpakidis (s5chkalp@uni-bonn.de) or Jakob Höfting (s5jahoef@uni-bonn.de).
Date: 12/11/2018
Conference Room of the International Center for Philosophy NRW (IZPH)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 28
53115 Bonn
3rd floor (elevator available)
Entrance area not barrier-free