Auf den Punkt - Philosophieren mit explizierten Begriffen
The conference format “Auf den Punkt – Philosophieren mit explizierten Begriffen.” is entering its second round. After an exciting student conference last year, we want to offer the opportunity to develop and present your own theses again.
As philosophers, we often use terms like ‘dialectic’, ‘category table’, ‘noesis’, or ‘quantifier scope’ without further explanation to demonstrate that a philosopher was right (or wrong) about a thesis. This can create performance pressure, as one wants to convey theoretical certainty to be taken seriously in discourse.
This conference adopts a different approach: each presentation will introduce a thesis and justify it without explicitly referring to the names and works of well-known philosophers. Every technical term and formal notation used by the presenter must be explained in their own and generally understandable words. This means we want to refine our terminology based on a concrete subject. There is no thematic restriction for the presentations. The audience can ask follow-up questions afterward. All students of the University of Bonn are welcome to participate.
The last conference showed that complex technical terms and niche literary references are not necessary to formulate a strong thesis. Let’s bring our theses to the point again!
When does the conference take place?
November 22 and 23, 2024 (Friday and Saturday)
Who can present?
All B.A. and M.A. students in philosophy are warmly invited.
How can I participate?
By November 3, 2024, you can send a maximum one-page summary of your thesis and the idea behind your argument to We will then select the most suitable theses.
What topics can I discuss?
In principle, any topic from theoretical and practical philosophy is allowed. Misanthropic theses have no place here.
How long is a presentation?
Each presentation should last between 30 and 35 minutes, followed by 20 to 25 minutes for questions.
Can I just listen?
Of course, you can! Please register with Marlene Sieverdingbeck ( so we can provide enough water and coffee. Participation is free of charge.
Do you have any other questions?
Then please also contact
Date: 22. and 23. November 2024 (Friday, Saturday)
Conference Room of the International Center for Philosophy NRW (IZPH)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 28
53115 Bonn
3rd floor (elevator available)
Entrance area not barrier-free